Awards & Recognition

LIFECO UNLTD’S Core competencies, USP, Processes, IP & the Global Social Entrepreneurship Network (GSEN)
Established in 1997, LifeCo UnLtd is a South African Impact/ Social enterprise
UnLtd UK developed model and process and LifeCo UnLtd SA is the local licensee/chapter – with access to global best practice
UnLtd UK Established in 2002 with a £100m Sterling Fund.
In 2022 generated up to £50m for the social sector through partners, £11m distributed to 303 social entrepreneurs.
UnLtd UK, UnLtd SA and UnLtd India were the founding members of Global Social Entrepreneurship Network
LifeCo UnLtd: Research and development 36 years, 26 years of implementation and practice
+151 000 beneficiaries to date
62 Institutional Partners nationally (some institutional partners: Nelson Mandela Foundation, Nelson Mandela University (MNU), Mandela Rhodes Foundation, Nedbank, IDC)
Nelson Mandela – The Champion Within part of the NMU Co-Curricular record (credit bearing)
LifeCo UnLtd currently a business partner of the IDC (Funded approximately R80 million of LifeCo UnLtd’s stake in first round Wind Farm REIPPP.
Sole Authorised Global Rights Agreement with the Nelson Mandela Foundation
Sole Global Rights Agreement with Raymond and Wendy Ackerman
Rated most trusted NGO in 2010
R110 million in assets which are wholly owned by LifeCo UnLtd Trust
CEO: Pat Pillai Ashoka Globaliser Fellow
Access to a bank of 50 Captains of Industry (90% South African: 10% International)
Rated as MTN preferred provider 2010
Seminars to the public and private sector include:
LifeCo UnLtd Social Entrepreneur Investment Programme
8th Habits with Dr. Steven Covey
Leadership Greatness with Dr. Stephen Covey (SA and sub-Saharan Africa)
Promise of Leadership Dialogue with the Nelson Mandela Foundation
Dialogue for Justice with Professor Muhammad Yunus
A Nation of Champions with Annie Lennox
Breaking the Mould with Richard Branson
Self-Mastery with Hassim Amla, Natalie Du Toit, Imtiaz Patel
Success with Dan Moyane, Jane Raphaely and Rory Steyn